“La Model” prison,
The new premises of "la Model" will be surrounded, all around it, by a large park. Buildings and green spaces will be linked to each other to achieve a mutual relationship of interdependence. The footprint of the buildings will be the minimum essential and will maximize their permeability. The park, for its part, will give continuity to the panopticon structure linking, without borders, architecture, heritage and landscape. The benefits of this new relationship will extend beyond the scope of action, improving ecological connectivities, social cohesion and the quality of life of citizens. The link between homes, facilities and the park will allow a more efficient future cooperative management since, to the diversity of the program, the park responds with a mosaic of possibilities adaptable to future needs. Faced with a planetary emergency situation on fundamental issues, such as the climate or human rights, the set of buildings and green spaces act together to respond to the Sustainable Development Goals (UN 2030), giving concrete and effective responses. It is therefore chosen to maintain and value the existing heritage, making the most of this resource with a useful life still to be exhausted, avoiding, as far as possible, the environmental impact of new buildings. The greater green area released by this strategy will increase the possibilities of offering more and better ecosystem services for the population. The distribution of the program in the heritage buildings is also chosen associated with its best relationship with the park and the possibilities and advantages that it offers. Thus a new model of the complex is completed, a new link with the city.
Year of the project